Privacy Policy

In accordance to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Usage of our Website

By using our website you are agreeing that we may:


  • use cookies to recognize your website session. For further information consult the sections «Google Analytics» and «Youtube»

  • collect data such as geographical place of access, date and time, referrer-URL, browser version and operating system and access provider and use them in statistical evaluations

  • possibly host our website in a non-EU country


The data collected by the sole usage of our website does not allow for any conclusions to be drawn regarding your person.

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web service by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so called cookies, text files that are stored on your computer and allows for an analysis of the usage data of the website. The data created by the cookie about your usage of the website (including your IP-address) will be transferred and saved to a Google server in the USA. Google will use this data for statistical evaluations about the website usage to the website owner and for performing other services related to the website usage. Additionally Google may transfer this party to third parties, if it is a legal requirement or if third parties are processing the data on behalf of Google. Google will in no case associate your IP-adress with other data Google has. You can prevent the creation of the cookie file through a setting in your browser software, but we would like to mention that the features of the website may be restricted. By using this website you are agreeing to the usage of the collected data in the before mentioned fashion for the before mentioned use case.



This website uses the service provider Youtube LLC, 901 Cherry Avenue, San Brunu, CA 94066, USA, represented by Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA for video embedding services. Usually your IP-address will be transferred to YouTube and cookies will be installed on your computer upon opening a site with an embedded video. However, we have embedded our videos with an enhanced privacy mode (in this case YouTube will still contact to the service Double Click by Google, but personal data will not be processed, according to the privacy statement by Google). This means YouTube will no longer collect any personal data, unless you watch the video. By clicking the video, your IP-address will be transmitted to YouTube and YouTube will know, that you have watched the video. If you are logged in in Youtube, this information will also be associated with your user account (you can prevent this by logging off YouTube before watching the video). We are unaware of any further processing or collection of your personal data and have no power over it. For further information please consult YouTube’s privacy statement: . For further info we would like to refer you to the general part of our privacy statement.


Contact form

By using our contact form and agreeing to our privacy statement, you are agreeing that:


  • Your data will temporarily be saved under the conditions in the privacy statement

  • Your data will automatically be transferred to us by email

  • Your data may be internally processed within the scope of our conduct of business

  • We may contact you regarding your request

  • Your data may be printed or photocopied


Transfer of personal data

Your personal data will not be transferred to third parties, unless:


  • You have given us permission for it

  • There is a legal requirement for it

  • It is legally accepted and necessary for completing contracts with you


Online Job Applications

By submitting your application and the associated consent to our privacy policy, you agree that:


  • Your data will temporarily be saved under the conditions in the privacy statement
  • Your data will automatically be transferred to our personnel department by email
  • We may contact you regarding your application
  • We may contact you regarding data processing
  • Your data may be printed or photocopied
  • Your data is deleted automatically or manually after 90 days at the latest, unless it is relevant for the further employment procedure



Sie haben das Recht, Einsicht über Ihre Daten bei uns zu erhalten, eine Löschung oder Anpassung Ihrer Daten zu verlangen, sowie Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu leisten. Sie erreichen uns unter folgenden Kontaktdaten:


Polycontact AG
Rossbodenstrasse 22
7000 Chur
+41 81 286 91 60
Swiss Arbeitgeber Award – Top Arbeitgeber 2022